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    Join PMAC PMAC Member Directory

  • The goal for every Chamber Member is simple: learn more, get networked, and get more business.

    Join the Chamber, get involved and showcase your business! The returns you receive will reflect and, very likely, surpass your investment.

    Eight reasons to maximize the value of your Chamber Membership:

    1. Great networking opportunities
    2. Interesting and enlightening speakers
    3. Engage with the community
    4. Contribute to the economic vitality of the region
    5. Gain access to valued mentoring opportunities
    6. Establish alliance partners
    7. Identify valuable resources
    8. Grow and promote your business

    Your Membership supports educational workshops, networking events, platforms to showcase your business, opportunities to establish partnerships with businesses, local government and even other chambers. Your membership helps sustain the area’s business community.

    If you aren’t a Chamber Member, we invite you to join us and start taking advantage of the many benefits that PMAC offers.

    Join P.M.A.C. Today!

    For further details about Chamber Membership, please contact Nancy Ellis, Membership Coordinator at 856-483-0833 or